This section provides information about this cutting-edge technology unique to Japan.
Hear the voice of SCMaglev passengers and learn what they think of SCMaglev.
YAMANASHI MAGLEV LINE**This line will become part of the Chuo Shinkansen.
This section features 3D presentation of the entire 26.6 miles stretch of the Yamanashi Maglev Line and its highlights, while also describing the Yamanashi Maglev Line from various angles such as the history of its technological development, evolution of vehicle and track record of past operations.
CONSTRUCTION STATUS of the Chuo Shinkansen project
This section provides details about the Chuo Shinkansen project, such as the status of construction progress, construction method, station locations and route, as well as other related information including construction-related initiatives for reducing environmental impact and collaboration with communities along the Maglev route.
This section provides answers to most frequently-asked questions we have received about Chuo Shinkansen.
SCMaglev will be for real. This section provides the impact SCMaglev will bring to the world and to our life.